House for L

single-family house located on a small parcel
The design process started off with the function – quite complex, mostly because of the number of the future dwellers. The main challenge was to fit all of the functions in a small form, the other one – to fit the form on a small parcel of irregular shape. Fitting the building on the parcel was possible, by moving it as close as possible to its borders. However, such method needed an extra way to enlight living spaces, which was achieved by adding metre-long loggias with full scale windows.

The roof form came as a compromise between the investor’s needs and civil regulations within the area. The investor was interested with the flat roof or the one with small slope angle. After long-term research, the design team offered a roof consisting of three gable roofs parallel to each other, hidden behind a low attic.
Large day zone was completed with five bedrooms, three bathrooms, a toilet and also five service rooms.
Another effort was to make the building’s quality as high as possible, while using common materials. The elevation was designed with the use of grey concrete block, which was a cheap option, also fulfilling the needs of architects and the client. Window frames, designed as a repeatable module, were made by the local carpenter. The window niches were also encased in a wooden collar.
From the outside, the building combines the warmth of woodwork with the relatively cold gray brick facade.